

After the turbulences the Rat experienced last year, this year is slightly better for the Rat.  The Tian Yi and Sui He star comes in bringing good benefactor luck. You are able to get alot of assistance from people around you. Very often, you will find that your friends will be supportive, superiors will be helpful and family members will also be supportive of any of your endeavors this year. Meeting the Mo Yue star means that there will be come changes in your work environment this year. You also meet with the star Bing Fu which will cause frequent sickness. Fortunately it is not life threatening. Hence do take care of yourself by doing more exercise to maintain a healthy body. To avoid aggravating the situation, those of you who have your room situated in the West sector of your house should move out of this sector as the illness star number 2 will amplify the effects giving you more problems in your health.








This year sees the Ox offending the Grand Duke or Tai Sui. Expect dramatic changes in your life in the form of a change in job, residence etc. Offending the Tai Sui also implies loss of wealth, misfortune and other unfortunate events. In bad times, you should try to stay humble and be patient. Fortunately, meeting the Sui Jia and Tang Fu star means that you will have the opportunity to be popular through recognition of your merits and achievement hence you will enjoy great advancement in your career prospects. Meeting the Hua Gai also means your have a lot of creative ideas floating in your head which will be good for your career endeavors but you may have to execute everything yourself as you find a lack of support from people around you. The Jian Feng and Fu Shi star brings minor cuts and accidents. Hence you can try to pre-empt the aliments by donating blood or getting your teeth cleaned by a dentist, just to realize the pre-destined ‘bloodshed’ in your destiny.






The Gu Chen and Hui Qi star comes in to influence the Tiger this year making you feel lonely and you may feel pessimistic and depressed without a clue. You should hang out with your friends more to avoid such feelings from developing. Fortunately you also meet Tai Yang, which comes in the form of Male Nobleman. Hence if your superior or colleagues are usually men, you may find them especially helpful to you this year. The Guo Yin star indicates your honour and achievement is well recognized by receiving an award and there is also indication of you being rewarded for your good performance. For Tigers in a steady relationship, the Hong Luan star that comes in this year could mean possible marriage opportunities. Hence this is the best time to tie the knot. If you are single, the Hong Luan star helps to enhance your human relations and you may end up meeting your special someone this year. Be careful too as you meet the Jie Sha star which is a robbery star hence be careful of your personal belongings or even competitors at work who may vie with you for that promotion you are going after. Stay positive and do not let this affect you.








The Rabbit has to gear up for difficult times ahead this year. There are no positive stars helping you this year. Instead, the Sang Men and Pi Tou star coming into your chart and this can also lead to the demise or separation with your parents, siblings or relatives. Avoid going to places of overly Yin nature like funeral parlours and graveyards and try not to attend wakes or funerals this year to minimize the effects of the star. The Zai Sha brings minor accidents resulting in money loss hence be extra careful when you drive on the road this year. You can use Fengshui to enhance your nobleman luck and give you some extra help for the rough year ahead.







The Dragon meets the Tai Yin star this year. Tai Yin refers to female nobleman, hence if your superior or colleagues are females, you will find them especially helpful to you this year. Tai Yin is also a wealth star hence you can see your wealth luck increasing this year! Make full use of such good energies of the year to execute your plans, as you are able to harness help from others and increase your wealth at the same time! The Guan Suo, Gou Shen and Sui Sha star indicates dispute and arguments with people around you. Be patient and think before you speak to avoid any confrontation. Avoid the Northeast sector of your home as the argumentative star number 3 will aggravate the frustration and bring more problems.








The Snake meets the San Tai star this year, indicating progress in your career. The star brings promotion to those working for people and more fame and reputation to the self-employed. The Guan Fu star, as the name implies, brings litigation, gossips, scandals and higher possibility of offending the law. At its worst, this star can bring legal issues resulting in imprisonment. Hence this year, don’t go against the law in anything you do. Try not to cheat in your parking tickets or speed on the road or you may find yourself getting caught more easily than usual. Also be careful with what you sign in any documentation. Wu Gui and Zhi Bei star comes in this year and is an unlucky star of backstabbers, bringing disputes and conflicts resulting in loss of wealth. Avoid places of overly Yin nature like funeral parlours and graveyards. Most important of all, stay cheerful and look at the bright side of things. The Tian Ku star brings disaster and sad events hence there is a possibility of misfortune and loss of your loved ones. Hence watch out for the health of your family members.








The turbulences from last year is finally over and the Horse meets the Yue De and Lu Xun star. These are fortunate stars and you will meet powerful benefactors who come to help when you are in danger. This star also indicates having the opportunity to make money as a result of benefactors (e.g. business referral from clients or pay rises as a result of good appraisal reviews from your superiors). The Tao Hua and Xian Chi star comes into your chart making you attractive to the opposite sex, especially good for single Tigers looking for a partner. You should make use of this star to enhance your human relations especially if you are in a sales related profession. But this is a double-edged sword in that it sometimes results in too many late nights spent at happy hour with co-workers or business associates. Married individuals need to be cautious as there is the danger of distraction or temptation by the opposite sex and things could get turn difficult if you succumb to the temptation and turn unfaithful to your spouse! Do not be overly friendly to members of the opposite sex and keep a safe distance to avoid attracting gossip or suspicion from your spouse. For the negative stars, the Si Fu star brings some sorrow, bad luck and misfortune. The Xiao Hao star comes in indicating minor loss of wealth hence you can pre-empt the loss by buying some practical things or treating your family or friends for meals.









The Goat meets Sui Po star this year and the effect of this is powerful and it brings misfortune in the form of loss of wealth, lawsuits and obstacles in your career. The Lan Gan and Yue Sha star also brings changes in your work environment and problems, especially relating to females. Fortunately you meet the Di Jie star which will turn your mishaps around into good luck. In addition, meeting Da Hao also causes loss of wealth and in severe cases, it can lead to bankruptcy. You should avoid speculative investments and if possible avoid speculating on stocks and shares. For some individuals who may quit your job and start your own business or move office/home, Da Hao can also refer to the expenditure associated with such changes. In case you have no plans to move or set up your own company, you can spend the money in other ways just or donate some money to charity to realize the predestined ‘loss’ in your destiny, which is still better than losing your money in unexpected ways.









The Monkey meets powerful Zi Wei and Long De star this year, which brings powerful people to your aid. The presence of these stars indicates that many happy events will take place and you will meet benefactors who will come to your assistance. It will bring enhancement to your career. You should make use of your relationships and networks to open more doors for you in money-making opportunities. With the Yu Tang star also in your chart, you will have more opportunities to showcase your ideas and get support for them. Do not be too complacent however as the Bao Bai star you may risk losing everything all of a sudden. The Tian Xi star, which means many joyous and happy incidents taking place, indicates possible wedding bells if you are currently in a committed relationship. There is also a possibility of expecting a child this year. If you are already married, this star may cause temptation from third parties and possibility of love triangles. Be careful of the health of your elderly family members this year, as there is Wang Shen and Tian Sang in your chart. Wang Shen also means that you may lose your personal belongings due to carelessness.









The Rooster meets Jiang Xing this year, an auspicious star and with this star you will be more courageous in your work and will bring about wealth and authority. You will have strong determination and an unwavering ambition to achieve your goals and objectives, thus leading to a rise in power, authority and greater responsibilities. The Wen Chang star benefits those who are pursuing their studies. If there are any courses that you are looking to embark on, this is the year to start, as you will get an extra boost with Wen Chang. The Fu Chen star also indicates some problems in your plans in having to go forward and backward without any significant progress. Stay focused in everything you do. The Xue Ren and Bai Hu stars indicates possibility of injuries that cause bleeding, cuts and in severe cases, surgery or operations. Be careful when you travel and you can try to pre-empt the aliments by donating blood or getting your teeth cleaned by a dentist, just to realize the pre-destined ‘bloodshed’ in your destiny. Fortunately you also have the Tian Jie star to help you turn misfortune into good luck!








The Dog meets the Tian De and Fu Xing star this year, which will bring powerful benefactors who come to help you in whatever you do, turning any adverse situations into favourable ones. With the Ba Zuo star coming to join them, they bring advancement to your careers in that you may get a promotion and hence an increase in wealth.  The Gua Su and Pi Ma star indicates health problems amongst elderly family members at home, which will cause distress and worries. Hence keep a watch out for their health and spend more time with them. The Juan She and San Xing star brings communication problems and hence disputes and disagreements are likely to happen with people around you. Think before you speak to avoid miscommunication.









The Yi Ma star coming into your chart this year indicates the possibility of traveling (for business or leisure) and moving your residence or office. You are also likely to switch jobs. You may reap rewards through your overseas assignment or everytime you make a move. So move about, travel and be mobile and the wealth will come. However, the Tian Gou star indicates unexpected accidents and possible minor mishaps while traveling. Be extra careful when you travel on the road or travel overseas during the year when the star dominates. Invest in insurance or bring along a medicine kit. Or you can try to pre-empt the aliments by donating blood or getting your teeth cleaned by a dentist, just to realize the pre-destined ‘bloodshed’ in your destiny. Meeting the Diao Ke star this year indicates mourning of family members or relatives. The star can also mean separation with your kin, not necessarily death.  Avoid going to places of overly Yin nature like funeral parlours and graveyards and try not to attend wakes or funerals this year to minimize the effects of the star.



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