The recent economic crisis has driven everyone by surprise. Actually, looking at the interaction between the elements of year 2008, Wu Zi year (Yang Earth as the heavenly stem and Yang Water for the earthly branch), many Practitioners have predicted turmoil and problems but most of us did not expect that the problems would escalate to this extend. No matter what, it has all happened and we should all now think of how we can make things better and pave the way for recovery. Using the Chinese Metaphysics way, here’s sharing with all how we can make use of that little advantage for luck to work on our side and reduce the negativity:


  1. Identifying your Nobleman Stars


For those of you who have sign up for your Ba Zi reading, don’t think of that little report as ‘for your information only’ and cast it aside after your consultation. That report contains so many information that is useful for you and most important of all, your nobleman animal signs. Everyone has 2 unique nobleman animal sign as tabulated using the heavenly stem of the day you are born. Activate that nobleman by carrying the little amulets of your nobleman wherever you go. In addition, place the nobleman animals in your work desk and your home so that you have people helping you wherever you are and whatever you do. Of course, like I have always shared, expect that you have to help others too as when you activate your nobleman, you sometimes become another person’s nobleman as well. It’s a 2-way exchange so don’t expect yourself to be just on the receiving end. Give abit of that help to someone in need, you will never know in what way it will come back to you one day!


  1. Sit Facing your 8 Mansions Sheng Chi direction at work


I have seen a lot of miracles in this sometimes even to my own surprise. Once, I told a fellow colleague to sit facing her Sheng Chi direction and she got so much exciting opportunities coming her way that she left for a better offer shortly after. I also realize that if you sit facing one of your favourable directions, you naturally feel more energized and alert, hence you can achieve much more at work. All you have to do is to check out your four favourable directions, get a simple compass and find out where it is. Tilt your computer or laptop to that direction so that you are facing that direction most of the time. You will be surprised at the effects. Of course, if luck has it that you cannot tilt to that direction because landform wise it is not feasible, try to switch to another workstation if it’s not too difficult. 



  1. Activating the Wealth Star 8 location at home


Every year, the annual wealth star number 8 moves around and it if happens to fall at your main door in a particular year, you are in luck as there is no need for you to further activate the sector. The opening and closing of the door, along with movement by the occupants will activate the water star number 8 naturally. However, if it is not, make sure that the water star number 8 location is not cluttered and messy. If there is an opening in the form of a door or window in that particular area, it would be really favourable. If not, you can place something with movement in that area, either a water feature (provided that your house natal chart allows water to be placed there, otherwise please DO NOT place water features if you are unsure of the stars in the location as the results could be disastrous) or anything that moves there to keep the chi active in that area. The least you could do is to ensure that the area is clean and neat so good chi can flow in that position.


  1. Wear your favorable colours for important events


Once again, Ba Zi is one of the most powerful formulas around and can help to enhance a person’s luck if used correctly. For those of you who have seek a consultation, you would be given a list of your favourable colours. Try it out and feel the results. Your favourable colours are derived based on the deficiencies in the elements of your chart configuration. Hence, wearing your good colours can help fill it abit of that gap. No matter how little the contribution may be, we all need that bit of luck and competitive advantage to move forward. Hence give it a try and you will feel the difference.  Personally it works very well for me, especially when I need to attend an important event or give a presentation on that day. I will surely wear my favourable colours to give me the extra bit of luck.


  1. Enhance with your human actions


Finally, no matter what you do, remember that human actions play a part in our total luck and fortune. Be positive and always remember that behind every cloud there is a silver lining. In bad times, the key is to persevere and stay positive. I always believe that everything happens for a reason. During negative times, we should stay low profile and not make changes hastily, for the choices that comes may make things worst if you make the switch. Sometimes, not moving is still the best option. We should not sit back and sulk at the bad fortune, instead, we should pave the way and build up our resources so that when good time comes; we are better able to grab that opportunity. Take up a course or learn something new.  You will never know when you will need that knowledge one day. Whatever we do, nothing is wasted as it all adds up to our life experiences. Hence you are the best activator of your own luck and fortune.




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